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EZ Test Converter for Blackboard 9.1

Current Version: 1.03

By: Johnny Jarrell

Copyright (C) 2010-present

Description: EZ Test Converter For Blackboard is a Windows program to convert questions from a text file into a format compatible with Blackboard 9.x

Download link: https://www.box.com/s/d170f32eabdaf5a74b1a

  1. Use a plain text editor (i.e. Notepad on Windows, TextEdit on Mac) to create your question file. Each file can only contain one type of question.
  2. Follow the instructions below on how to format questions
  3. Launch EZTest Converter
  4. Select the type of questions to convert
  5. Select the folder that contains your files to convert. All test files located in the folder will be converted. EZTest Converter will place the Blackboard compatible file in the same folder as the original file.
  6. Login to Blackboard
  7. Click on Course Tools
  8. Select Tests, Surveys and Pools
  9. Select Pools
  10. Press the Build Pool button
  11. Type in a title for the question pool
  12. Press the Submit button
  13. Select Upload Questions
  14. Select the file generated by EZTest Converter
  15. Set the point value of each question (optional – can be changed when adding questions to test)
  16. Press the Submit button
  17. Go back to the Tests, Surveys, and Pools area and select Tests
  18. Enter a Title, Description and Instructions
  19. Press the Submit button
  20. Press the Reuse questions button and select Random block
  21. Select the pool to use
  22. Select All Pool Questions
  23. Press the Submit button
  24. Set the number of questions to display
  25. Set the question point value
  26. Press OK

Types of test

  • Essay
  • File Response
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Jumbled Sentence
  • Multiple Answer
  • Multiple Choice
  • Numeric Response
  • Opinion Scale/Likert Scale
  • Ordering
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Short Response
  • True/False


1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. The next line should contain a sample answer (not displayed to students) or the word “none” to designate that no sample is provided.
3. A blank line must be inserted between each question.


1. Discuss the planetary orbits.

2. What is a CPU?
A sample answer

File Response

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Attach program file A

2. Attach program file B

Fill in the Blank

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Answer options must be entered on a seperate line (up to 20).
3. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Earth has __________ moon(s).

2. Mars has ___________ moon(s).

Jumbled Sentence

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Insert variables where drop-down menus should appear. Variables must be inside []’s.
3. Enter answers to appear in drop-down menu on a seperate line.
4. Enter the variable on the line below the correct answer. Variables must be inside []’s.
5. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. The boat is at the [x].

2. Put on your [x] and [y] the car.

Multiple Answer

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Each answer choice (up to 20) must begin with a letter followed by a period.
3. Each correct answer choice (you can have more than one) must begin with an asterisk.
4. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. These can store computer data
*a. hard disk
*b. flash drive
c. monitor
d. keyboard

2. Computer input devices
a. monitor
*b. keyboard
c. printer
*d. mouse

Multiple Choice

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Each answer choice (up to 20) must begin with a letter followed by a period.
3. The correct answer choice must begin with an asterisk.
4. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Computers store and transmit information using
a. analog data
*b. digital data
c. video data
d. audio data

2. The sounds and music we hear are ______ signals of sound waves.
*a. analog
b. digital
c. video
d. audio

Multiple Fill in the Blank

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Insert variables where blanks should appear. Variables must be inside [ ]’s.
3. Enter the variable on the line below the correct answer. Variables must be inside [ ]’s.
4. Enter correct answers for each variable on a seperate line.
5. Place a “-” on a line to seperate each set of choices.
6. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. The Earth as [x] moon(s) and Mars has [y] moon(s).


2. The colors or Lamar University are [x] and [y].


Numeric Response

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. The first line after the question must contain the answer.
3. The answer must be a number without decimals or commas.
4. The next line must contain the range of error (+/-).


1. The Earth has __________ moon(s).

2. Jeeps get _____ MPG.

Opinion Scale/Likert Scale

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Do you like football?

2. Do you like soccer?


1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Enter answers in the correct order on a seperate line.
3. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Put the following in alphabetical order

2. Put the following in alphabetical order

Quiz Bowl

1. Each statement must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. Enter interrogatives on a seperate line. Example: Who, What, etc…
3. A blank line must be insterted between the interrogatives and the answers.
4. Enter answers to match the interrogatives on seperate lines.
5. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Likes water

are fish

2. Leads the country

is the president
is the president

Short Response

1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. The next line should contain a sample answer(not displayed to students) or the word “none” to designate that no sample is provided.
3. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. How many stars do you see at night.

2. What is a CPU?
A sample answer


1. Each question must begin with a number followed by a period.
2. The next line should contain the word “true” or “false”.
3. A blank line must be insterted between each question.


1. Bits are the same as bytes.

2. There are 8 bits to a byte.

Version History
  • Version 1.03 – June 8, 2012
    • Updated link to new website.
    • Replaced Quit buttons with Cancel buttons on quiz selection screens.
  • Version 1.02 – Feb. 21, 2011
    •  Updated link to new web site.
  • Version 1.01 – Aug. 31, 2010
    •  Fixed problem if answers were less than 2 characters.
  • Version 1.0 – Aug. 23, 2010
    • Initial release.

6 Responses

  1. Do you know if it is possible to convert it to the .zip format that is used for Blackboard 9?

  2. So this doesn’t convert to a blackboard format only a text format that works with blackboard?

  3. Do you if it has malware in it? When I downloaded it in Chrome it claimed it might.

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